

新利luck在线娱乐椰子巴厘岛绝对喜欢动物,所以我们确保在我们的新闻轮播中有大量的动物故事。由于巴厘岛有相当比例的农业,我们的许多动物故事最终都是关于牲畜和这方面的发展。例如,闯入的奶牛在西巴厘岛的一个考古遗址上吃草,在社区中引起了严重的骚动。还有一次,一架载有数千只羊的货运飞机不得不在巴厘岛紧急迫降。但是,我们网站上的动物故事并不都是关于农场的。很多都与人类最好的朋友——巴厘岛犬有关。尽管它们可爱可爱,但巴厘岛确实存在流浪狗的问题。岛上养满了不受欢迎的狗(只有那么多幸运的尾巴被收养到可爱的家庭)。与此同时,狂犬病爆发。这不是一个漂亮的组合。 As the provincial government contemplates how to reign this situation in, there have too often been reports of dog culling, despite the government and of course many animal protection NGOs pushing for sterilization and vaccination measures, instead. In the Bali “animals” section, let’s also not forget about aquatic life, us being on an island and all. Animal updates for us sometimes include stories on endangered sea turtles—whether they are hatchlings being released into the wild or, on a sadder note, being poached and caught in the hands of smugglers. Even though we don’t see them often, whales have also been in our headlines, but usually for sad stories involving their carcasses washing up on Bali beaches.


