巴厘岛的夜生活是全国最火爆的。破旧的酒吧吗?了他们。高档海滩俱乐部?我们有他们。在库塔的背包客和博格人酒吧?Hellz丫。冲浪爱好者和摩托车爱好者的海滩酒吧?那还用说。我们喜欢巴厘岛夜生活的原因是每个人都有适合自己的东西。 Parts of Bali just never seem to sleep while other areas of the island feel like they shut down at sunset. Make sure you’re living your best life and in the optimal place in Bali to experience your style of nightlife. We can help you there. With weekend events round ups and guides to Bali’s best bars, our nightlife section is informative and fun, to say the least.